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Eternal Soldier
Events and Workshops:

Homer and Beyond
Penn Museum Tours (TBA)
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Archived Past Event
Veterans Archaeology Workshop
at Valley Forge 


Valley Forge National Historical Park, Valley Forge PA


Valley Forge National Historic Park has a large public archeology program and welcomes Veterans to participate. More details to come shortly about this exciting opportunity!!

Soldier Quarters, Valley Forge National Historic Park. Wikimedia Commons.

Valley Forge National Historic Park is the site of the third military encampment of the Continental Army, where over the course of a severe winter and a very wet spring of 1777-78 the various militias of the 13 colonies matured into the professional army capable of winning the American Revolutionary War.  


Valley Forge was a kind of army city with living quarters made of wood, and where equipment was repaired, recruits were enlisted and training took place from a location where any enemy advance could be observed.  Having Veterans participate in the on-going archeological work at Valley Forge provides the chance to “touch history”: to understand the soldiers of the Continental Army, their conditions of service, why they joined and what they accomplished.  Current research centers on the portion of the park near Mount Joy and General Henry Knox’s Quarters that housed Woodford’s Brigade, a cohort of approximately 1200 men under the command of General William Woodford of Virginia.

Eternal Soldier Discussion Session with Veterans and Historians





Department Chair and Professor of Classics

Dartmouth College



Dr. Stewart will describe her work reading Homer with combat Veterans

The Value of Homer?
Reading the Iliad and
the Odyssey with
Combat Veterans
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Phila VA Medical Center
1-2 pm
Room 7A141
In a talk geared for Veterans and VA staff members, Dr. Stewart will discuss reading Homer, with examples from the texts and discussions. Her reading courses for combat Veterans "From Ancient Greece to Iraq: Warfare and Homecoming in Homer" and "Homer's Iliad" have been offered at the VA MedEternal Soldier Program Director and Facilitatorical Center in White River Junction, VT and at Dartmouth. She has spoken to clinicians there, and at the West Haven VA Medical Center in addition to her many other papers, books and scholarly presentations.
War Stories, from Troy to Baghdad
(and beyond)
Reading Homer with Combat Veterans
Thursday, March 26, 2015
402 Claudia Cohen Hall
249 south 36th Street 
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
4:30-6 pm
In this talk, Dr. Stewart presents the work of an experimental reading course, a book group, designed for combat veterans. Since 2008 she has read Homer, Odyssey and Iliad, with combat veterans and used the ancient texts to explore the soldier's experience of combat and return from war. The talk will summarize the course (its premises, design, logistics, and sessions), explore the particular value of Homer, and suggest next steps for reading ancient literature with vets.

The views expressed on this site in no way reflect those of the US Government or the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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